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Checkmate: Study Reveals Indiana's Favorite Board Games

Jul 23, 2023Jul 23, 2023

What game do Hoosiers enjoy most? A new study reveals the most searched board games in Indiana.

The insightful analysis was conducted by the online game website World of Card Games, which meticulously examined Google searches for a comprehensive list of 605 board games. By cross-referencing game names with search terms like 'board game,' 'how to play,' and 'rules,' the study shed light on Indiana's gaming inclinations.

Taking the fifth spot is mancala, garnering an average of 1,293 monthly searches. This is a game I have played and really enjoy. With origins tracing back to 700 AD in East Africa, this ancient game involves moving seeds, or stones, between pits or divets in the board with the objective of accumulating more seeds in one's own mancala than the opponent. Mancala's enduring appeal lies in its strategic gameplay and historical significance.

It was Colonel Mustard in the Conservatory with the Candlestick! Ranking fourth, Clue boasts an average of 1,695 monthly searches. This murder mystery game challenges players to decipher the circumstances of a fictional crime. By skillfully narrowing down suspects, murder weapons, and crime scenes, players engage in deductive reasoning to solve the puzzle. Incepted during World War II, Clue continues to captivate amateur detectives.

Perhaps the most traumatizing game I played as a child, Monopoly claims the third position with an average of 2,580 monthly searches. This iconic game of property acquisition and development unfolds on a square board. Players roll dice, buy properties, and extract rent from adversaries, aiming to drive them to financial ruin. Monopoly's patent in 1935 marked the birth of a game that reflects economic principles in an engaging format.

Securing the second spot is checkers, amassing an average of 3,968 monthly searches. This game, which is played on the same 8x8 grid as chess, showcases a tactical dance between 12 pieces on each side. Starting on dark squares, these pieces aim to capture opponents' units or immobilize them, while seeking promotion to kings that can move both forward and backward. Checkers' history dates back to 3000 BC, evolving into its modern form by the 13th century.

At the forefront of Indiana's board game landscape is chess, captivating enthusiasts with an impressive average of 7,240 monthly searches. Played on an 8x8 grid of alternating squares, this cerebral game involves strategic moves and calculated gambits. With each player commanding a set of pawns and specialized pieces, the ultimate goal is to maneuver in a way that forces the opponent's king into a position of inescapable capture - the checkmate. Despite its ancient origins in 6th century India, chess has experienced a modern resurgence, captivating a new generation of players.

As a spokesperson from World of Card Games aptly noted, chess holds a distinct position as a cultural touchstone, symbolizing intelligence and strategy. Its resurgence and enduring popularity reflect Indiana's appreciation for engaging in intellectual pursuits. The study's findings offer a glimpse into the state's gaming landscape and the potential evolution of these classic games in the digital age.

[Source: World of Card Games]