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Pub told to remove extended beer garden and play area

May 09, 2024May 09, 2024

A SADDLEWORTH pub faces having to tear down a play area after planning permission was refused.

That is despite 75 of the 78 people who commented supporting The Roebuck Inn, on Brighton Road in Strinesdale.

The business sought retrospective permission from Oldham Council after the beer garden and play area was created last summer in a bid to ‘meet increased demand from customers.’

But objectors believed the owners ran roughshod over the planning regulations and their additions were not in keeping with the area.

A comment from people identifying themselves as Wendy and Paul Daniel, of Green Lane, stated: “We have had to deal with the noise from the children and adults. We have lost our privacy when wanting to sit outside.

“Children having no supervision, lights on until 10.30pm – these were not there before. Music speakers on the wall, not there before.

“Horses go up and down this Lane all the time and could be easily spooked, the children throw the shingle into the road.

“Parking to the front of the pub on the white lines, so people struggle to pull out from Green Lane. Accident waiting to happen.

“There was no conversing with us as neighbours as they will do what they want. This is a commercial property not a residential garden. It is not in keeping with the area.”

Others agreed about the lack of consultation, stating: “The Roebuck needs to consider the locals that are affected by this structure and the fact they failed to apply for planning before construction.

“They cannot expect the locals to just go along with construction first and compliance after and beggar the community and their privacy and enjoyment.”

However, the overwhelming majority of comments were in favour, with several speaking of how it is a community asset.

One person said: “The outside seating was a godsend to local residents during recent years’ lockdowns.”

Others added: “This wonderful space can NOT be forced to be removed. It’s a great addition to a lovely place and kids love the play area.”

Oldham Council, though, disagreed with the application made by Susan Howarth and it must now be removed.

It stated: “The proposed development is situated within an area of land which forms part of the designated Green Belt.

“The proposal is for an extension to the beer garden and the erection of play equipment, siting of picnic benches and outdoor lighting, which represents inappropriate development in the Green Belt, which is by definition, harmful to the Green Belt, and would affect the openness of the Green Belt.

“It has not been demonstrated that the harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness and any other harm is clearly outweighed by any other considerations.”

A SADDLEWORTH pub faces having to tear down a play area after planning permission was refused.